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Friday, 24 June 2011

Art Auction

The Art Auction is drawing closer and as always I am profoundly in awe of the work the children and their teachers have created together.  Our staff are so skilled in guiding children in the creative process.  This year they have pushed their creative boundaries and the results are amazing. 

There are also some AMAZING items that have been donated to the Silent Auction...... tickets, gift certificates, Canucks merchandise, BC Lions gear...... gift baskets...... I know I am going to be bidding!!

Local artists Jodie Blaney and Karen Lorena Parker have also, once again, donated to our cause and I am so looking forward to seeing their pieces.  My husband and I bought 2 of Jodie's paintings on auction last year.... and we LOVE them!

As always ticket sales are slow and its hard not be disappointed about that as this is the only big fundraiser we do and the staff and Committee put in so much effort.....  Hopefully we'll see a surge in the last few days.
Scroll down a couple posts for updated photos of the art. Here is a small selection.......

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Organized Too Early?

June 7, 2011
Our most important task as parents is raising children who will be decent, responsible, and caring people devoted to making this world a more compassionate place.
-Neil Kurshan
"Youth sports organizations are reaching deeper into the preschool years, urging parents to sign kids up for soccer or rugby as early as age 3."  This alarming claim was made by Sue Shellenbarger in her Wall Street Journal column (June 3, 2011) that was brought to our attention by Eric Karolak.  Shellenbarger shared guidelines from experts on involving kids in organized sports...

  • Avoid competition, which can be stressful for kids before the age of 7 or 8.  Keep the focus on fun.
  • Don’t make a child specialize in one sport at an early age.  Sports researchers say young players have more fun and develop better as athletes if they are encouraged to play many sports.  Well-rounded kids are also far less likely to lose interest and burn out when they reach their teens.
  • Take at least one or two seasons off each year, so kids can rest their bodies.
  • Don’t allow yourself to feel pressured by other parents who enroll their kids in lots of organized programs. 
  • From Exchange Everyday