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Sunday, 10 May 2015

SRCC Mom's

Dear SRCC Moms

Happy Mother's Day

We wanted to say something to you today.

We see you.

We see you coming in juggling one or two or three children, lunches, bedding, extra clothes.

We see you kissing those little cheeks, calling out goodbye, drawing a picture on the window

We see you regretfully leaving after a cross word

We see your worry, sadness at tears

We see you coming back after your day, weary but eager to see you little one

We see your frustration when things haven't gone well at the centre that day

We see your joy in art handed to you, arms flung around you.

We see you connecting with us and other parents, building community

We see you mothering every day

You are amazing!

And we want to thank you for the trust you place in us everyday.

For sharing this part of your life, of your child's life with us. 

We know that is no small thing and we hold that trust carefully and tenderly.

We wish you all much joy in your mothering this Mother's Day.